
Are Brita And Pur Filters Interchangeable

Review Summary

If you desire unlimited filtered h2o at the push of a button in the comfort of your kitchen, then a faucet-mount filter is the cheapest and easiest manner to make it happen. But there are two immensely popular faucet filters that y'all'll need to choose betwixt; PUR and Brita. With like styling and operation, it can be difficult to make a decision between the two.

The PUR filters remove more contaminants than the Brita filters practise, but Brita filters are easier to observe and less expensive. But the Brita systems aren't as attractive as the PUR filters, and the PUR have more styles to choose from.

The Brita systems are all-time for people who want a elementary and inexpensive solution with easy to find replacement filters. PUR faucet filters are ameliorate for people who are really concerned with aesthetics, or who are extremely concerned with what's being removed from their drinking water.

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PUR vs Brita – What are the differences betwixt them?

Though they await and operate nearly the same, at that place are still some factors that separate these 2 products. From cease to warranty, permit'due south explore several differences that set these two similar products apart from each other.


This category is a close competition between these ii candidates. Both of them filter a majority of the harmful contaminants from your water such every bit pb, chlorine, and copper. These are all commonly plant in most tap water, then it's important to get rid of them. But in the end, the PUR filters do a slightly more thorough job of removing impurities from your water. While the Brita filters remove 60 contaminants, the PUR filters remove over seventy contaminants. Aside from this one difference, they perform about the aforementioned. Replacement cartridges for each device take a 100-gallon lifespan. The filters operate the same and mountain to your sink in the aforementioned way as well. Since this category is going to come downwards to which filter removes more substances, the PUR is going to exist our winner.


It seems that all of our categories are going to exist shut-calls today. These are both cheap filters that make a swell starting indicate for filtered water. There are base models and premium models available from each company, and their prices are very similar. But in the end, the Brita faucet filters are slightly cheaper than the PUR filters. When information technology'due south time to supercede cartridges, the Brita filters are in one case once again a tad scrap less pricey. Plus, the Brita filters are bachelor in more places, so you'll never have a difficult time locating them when you need a replacement.

Brita Tap Water Filter System


Since these filters are never going to leave your kitchen sink, durability isn't a major concern. They mostly need to exist able to hold upwards to daily employ for providing water, besides equally getting out of the way for normal sink use. Both of these products seem to last for several years or longer, provided that they're properly cared for and filters are replaced at the advisable times. Only they both feel problems from time to time. Brita filters seem to have fewer leaks though and generally concluding longer. Plus, Brita offers superior client service that replaces lacking or cleaved units very quickly. PUR doesn't seem quite as quick to offer a replacement filter when theirs break. Brita volition take the crown for immovability.


A faucet mount water filter takes upwardly quite a scrap of sink real-estate. You lot don't realize how much space you're giving upwardly until you attach it. For that reason, points go to the product that's more meaty and less in your way. In this instance, that happens to exist the Brita faucet filter. They're very similarly sized, but the Brita filter is just a fiddling flake smaller than the PUR models. When you wash your hands or clean some pots and pans, you'll really notice the modest departure in size. The Brita filter is easier to go out of your way when you plough it to the side of the faucet, whereas the PUR filter nevertheless tends to stick out a bit farther. That said, the PUR comes in more colors and is a little more pleasing to look at. Information technology'due south difficult to pick a winner hither since the Brita is more space-conscious simply the PUR is more than attractive. We'll accept to telephone call a draw.

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Quick Rundown of Brita Water Filter Faucet:

Brita Water Filter Faucet

The Brita Water Filter Faucets are simple systems that attach directly to your sink faucet. When you flip a switch, the water period will divert through the filter and provide you with an countless stream of filtered water for drinking. Flip the lever dorsum, and the h2o will bypass the filter altogether and come straight from your sink faucet for normal employ. The Brita filters are available in white and chrome, but they have a dated wait that doesn't seem very modern and isn't the well-nigh attractive. Filters are inexpensive and easy to find though, and they remove lx contaminants from your water to give you a pure and refreshing drinking experience.


  • Bachelor everywhere
  • Inexpensive
  • Small form gene


  • Not very attractive
  • Doesn't remove every bit many contaminants as PUR filters

Brita Basic Faucet Water Filter System, Chrome, 1 Count

Brita Basic Faucet H2o Filter Organization, Chrome, i Count

  • Basic Brita faucet h2o filter attaches to your standard faucet making tap water cleaner* and great-tasting; filtration system is easy...
  • Get cracking-tasting h2o without the waste; by switching to Brita, you can save coin and supercede 1800 single-utilize h2o bottles** per...
  • The space efficient design attaches directly to your faucet giving y'all the choice of filtered or unfiltered water; Bachelor in white...

Quick Rundown of PUR Water Filter Faucet:

PUR Water Filter Faucet

The PUR Water Filter Faucets piece of work in the same way that the Brita filters do. They adhere to your sink and requite you the pick to bypass the filter or to divert your water through the filter for make clean water. These filters are a chip larger and bulkier than the Brita filters. They're also a little fleck more expensive. On the other manus, they're too a bit more constructive. Compared to the 60 contaminants that Brita filters remove, the PUR steps it a notch and removes over seventy. The filters will concluding for 100 gallons between replacements, just similar the Brita filters. We also preferred the look of the PUR filters, and they're available in more colors to give you more style options.


  • More than attractive
  • More style choices
  • Removes over 70 contaminants


  • Bulkier than the Brita filters
  • Slightly more than expensive

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PUR vs Brita – What the Users Say

To go a more conclusive picture of how PUR vs Brita compares, we went digging through reviews and forums to run into what other users of both systems thought. We wanted to run across if others had like experiences to our ain, so let'due south see what they have to say.

Nearly users seemed pleased with the gustation of the water coming from the Brita filter faucet. Notwithstanding, there were a few complaints about the longevity of the device since some people had experienced broken parts within the beginning year. But it seems that Brita offers excellent customer service, replacing the damaged parts chop-chop.

Many users commented on the size difference between the Brita and PUR filter faucets. The PUR is beefy and takes up more sink space and a lot of people were pleased with the compact size of the Brita filter. But another comment we saw repeatedly was that the Brita filter is surprisingly loud, so if you have sleeping children next to the kitchen in the afternoons, information technology may not be the best choice.

The PUR faucet filter had its share of complaints as well though. For some users, the unit of measurement didn't manage to last through an unabridged twelvemonth of employ, splitting autonomously and leaking h2o from diverse places. It appears that PUR's customer service isn't quite as skillful as Brita's though, considering people weren't getting replacements with the same ease that Brita was sending them. Leaks are somewhat common with this device, and many people seemed frustrated when their unit started leaking within just a few weeks of utilise.

PUR FM2500V Classic Faucet Mount Filter

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If you've been having a hard time deciding which of these filters to trust for your drinking water, you're not lonely. Both are solid units, only the Brita filters are less expensive and easier to find. They likewise tend to hold up better, breaking, and springing leaks less often than the PUR filters. Plus, Brita is more probable to supplant a cleaved filter than PUR, then the customer service is improve. PUR makes the more attractive filter though, and it'south available in more style choices, so if aesthetics is a prime concern, you may choose the PUR. For u.s.a., the Brita is a better filter that'southward more than reliable and takes up less sink space.


  • ane Review Summary
  • 2 PUR vs Brita – What are the differences between them?
    • 2.ane Performance
    • ii.2 Toll
    • two.3 Durability
    • 2.4 Design
  • 3 Quick Rundown of Brita Water Filter Faucet:
  • 4 Quick Rundown of PUR Water Filter Faucet:
  • 5 PUR vs Brita – What the Users Say
  • 6 Decision

Are Brita And Pur Filters Interchangeable,


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