
How To Cross Pollinate Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

Note: This guide is focused toward completing the blossom and floral furniture / vesture catalog sections via flower trades. If y'all are here to obtain items required to complete a Happy Homeroom Icon.png Happy Homeroom form, be aware that any floral item of the same name can be used instead and does not have to be from the specified flower to receive a "flawless" rating.


  • 1 Obtaining Flowers from Scratch
    • Tulips
      • Red Tulips
      • 1.1.ii Yellow Tulips
      • one.1.three Orange Tulips
      • Black Tulips
      • ane.1.5 Pink Tulips
      • ane.1.6 Purple Tulips
      • White Tulips
      • 1.ane.8 Bluish Tulips
    • 1.2 Pansies
      • ane.two.ane Red Pansies
      • one.2.2 Yellow Pansies
      • one.2.3 Blue Pansies
      • ane.2.4 Coral Pansies
      • 1.2.5 Imperial Pansies
      • i.2.6 White Pansies
      • one.2.7 Orangish Pansies
      • 1.2.8 Red-Blue Pansies
      • one.2.9 Xanthous-Blue Pansies
    • 1.3 Roses
      • 1.3.1 Scarlet Rose
      • 1.3.two White Rose
      • 1.iii.iii Pink Rose
    • one.4 Dandelions
      • 1.4.ane Yellow Dandelions
      • 1.4.2 White Dandelions
      • 1.4.iii Orange Dandelions
  • ii Catalog Completion Quick Guide
    • ii.1 Tulips Quick Guide
      • Setting Up Tulips
      • 2.i.2 Set 1: Xanthous and Pinkish Tulips
      • two.1.3 Set 2: Pink and Majestic Tulips
      • 2.1.iv Ready iii: Imperial and Black Tulips
      • ii.1.v Set iv: Black Tulips
      • 2.1.half-dozen Fix 5: White and Blue Tulips
      • 2.ane.7 Terminal Steps
    • two.ii Pansies Quick Guide
      • 2.2.1 Setting Upward Pansies
      • 2.2.two Ready i: Orange Pansies
      • 2.ii.3 Set 2: Yellow-Blue Pansies
      • 2.2.4 Prepare iii: White Pansies
      • 2.two.5 Set up 4: Purple, Blood-red-Blue, & Blue Pansies
      • 2.2.half-dozen Set up five: Coral Pansies
      • two.2.vii Last Steps
  • 3 Flower Pollination Details
    • iii.1 Tulip Details
      • iii.1.i Authorisation
      • 3.1.two Mutations
      • 3.1.iii Lloid's Seeds
    • 3.2 Pansy Details
      • 3.2.1 Dominance
      • iii.2.ii Mutations
      • 3.2.3 Lloid's Seeds

In order to obtain rarer and different color seeds, a player must cantankerous-pollinate various flowers together. Cantankerous-pollinating is done past taking an existing harvested flower, tapping a fully bloomed (simply not harvested) flower patch, so select the cross-pollination option.

There are several seed results which can happen after cross-pollination depending on the flowers selected for cross-pollination, and it is even possible to fail cantankerous-pollination.

To better empathise why sure flowers are recommended for cross-pollination or why the expected results are what is stated, it helps to have knowledge about bloom genes, mutations, and other breeding mechanisms. However, this knowledge is non needed for cross-pollinating flowers. See Blossom Pollination Details for more.

The Catalog Completion Quick Guide section outlines the cantankerous-pollination steps frequently recommended within the ACPC player community.

Obtaining Flowers from Scratch [ ]

Tulips [ ]

To complete all the tulip trades for items in the catalog, the player will demand to purchase around 325 Red Tulips and 1,116 Orange Tulips from Lloid Icon.pngLloid in the Garden for the steps below.

Crimson Tulips [ ]

Ruby Tulips can be obtained past purchasing Carmine Tulip Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

  • All Ruddy Tulips purchased from Lloid will take (Reddish/Yellow) genes.

Yellow Tulips [ ]

Yellow Tulips can be obtained from scratch by following the steps outlined in the table beneath:

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Outcome % Chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png x Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png = Yellow Tulip Seeds.png 22.5%
(R/Y) (R/Y) (Y/Y)
2. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Yellow Tulips.png = Yellow Tulip Seeds.png xc%
(O/West) (Y/Y) (Y/West)

In-Depth Info

  1. Red Tulips.png x Red Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Red Tulips onto Lloid Cherry Tulips to produce Red Tulip Seeds and a 22.5% chance of Xanthous Tulip Seeds.
    • The Yellow Tulip Seeds obtained will have pure (Yellow/Yellow) genes.
    • To collect a large corporeality of Yellow Tulip Seeds, continue to step 2.
  2. Orange Tulips.png x Yellow Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto a Pure Yellowish Tulip obtained from Step 1 to produce a 90% chance of Xanthous Tulip Seeds.
    • Repeat stride 2 until the desired amount of Yellow Tulip Seeds has been obtained.

Orangish Tulips [ ]

Orange Tulips tin can be obtained past purchasing Orange Tulip Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

  • All Orange Tulips bought from Lloid volition accept (Orangish/White) genes.

Blackness Tulips [ ]

Black Tulips tin can be obtained from scratch by post-obit the steps outlined in the table below:

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Outcome % Chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png 10 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png = Black Tulip Seeds.png 15.vii%
(O/W) (O/W) (B/Westward)
2a. Orange Tulips.png 10 Black Tulips.png = Black Tulip Seeds.png 22.five%
(O/W) (B/Westward) (B/W)
2b. Orange Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png = Black Tulip Seeds.png 45%
(O/B) (B/W) (B/B or W)

In-Depth Info

  1. Orange Tulips.png x Orange Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto Lloid Orange Tulips to produce Orange Tulip Seeds, White Tulip Seeds, and a 15.7% adventure of Black Tulip Seeds.
    • The Blackness Tulip Seeds obtained will accept (Black/White) genes.
  2. Orange Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Orange Tulips onto Black Tulips to produce Orangish Tulip Seeds, White Tulip Seeds, and a 22.5% take chances of Blackness Tulip Seeds.
    • Step 2a. Orange Tulip Seeds obtained in this step will have either (Orange/White) or (Orange/Black) genes. Those with Black recessive genes will have a 45% run a risk of producing Black Tulip Seeds.
    • Step 2b. Black Tulip Seeds obtained in this pace will have a 50% chance of being a Pure Blackness Tulip with (Black/Black) genes.
      • To verify a pure black tulip, cross Lloid orange onto information technology. If any white seeds are obtained, the tulip is (Black/White).
    • Repeat Step 2 until the desired corporeality of Black Tulip Seeds accept been obtained.

Pinkish Tulips [ ]

Pinkish Tulips tin can be obtained from scratch by following the steps outlined in the tabular array below:

Step # Parent one Parent 2 Consequence % Chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png x Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png = Pink Tulip Seeds.png fifteen.7%
(R/Y) (O/W) (P/W)
2. Pink Tulips.png x Pink Tulips.png = Pink Tulip Seeds.png 67.5%
(P/W) (P/W) (P/P or Westward)
3. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png ten Pink Tulips.png = Pink Tulip Seeds.png 45%
(O/West) (P/P) (P/W)

In-Depth Info

  1. Red Tulips.png x Orange Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Red Tulips onto Lloid Orange Tulips to produce Ruby-red Tulip Seeds, Yellow Tulip Seeds, and a xv.7% chance of Pinkish Tulip Seeds.
    • The Pink Tulip Seeds obtained will have (Pink/White) genes. To collect a large corporeality of Pink Tulip Seeds, go on to Stride 2.
  2. Pink Tulips.png ten Pink Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Pink Tulips from pace 1 onto another Pink Tulip to produce Black Tulip Seeds, White Tulip Seeds, and a 67.5% take a chance of Pink Tulip Seeds.
    • The Pink Tulip Seeds from this footstep take a 22.5% risk of being a Pure Pink Tulip with (Pink/Pinkish) genes.
    • To verify the purity of a Pink Tulip cantankerous-pollinate Pink Tulips onto it. If you receive a White Tulip Seed, the flower is not pure and can be harvested.
  3. Orange Tulips.png x Pink Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto a Pure Pink Tulip with (Pink/Pink) genes from step 2 to produce Orange Tulip Seeds and a 45% take a chance of Pink Tulip Seeds.
    • Repeat Step 3 until the desired corporeality of Pink Tulip Seeds take been obtained.

Royal Tulips [ ]

Purple Tulips tin can be obtained from your garden by scratch or more easily through a friend'south garden.

To obtain Purple Tulips from scratch follow the steps outlined in the tabular array beneath:

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Event % Chance
1. Pink Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png = Purple Tulip Seeds.png
(P/W) (B/Due west) (P/B)
2. Purple Tulips.png 10 Purple Tulips.png = Purple Tulip Seeds.png 60%
(P/B) (P/B) (P/P or B)
3. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png = Purple Tulip Seeds.png forty%
(O/W) (P/P) (P/West)

In-Depth Info

  1. Pink Tulips.png 10 Black Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Pink Tulips onto Black Tulips to produce Black Tulip Seeds, Pinkish Tulip Seeds, White Tulip Seeds, and a chance of Royal Tulip Seeds.
    • The Majestic Tulip Seeds obtained will accept (Purple/Blue) genes. To collect a big amount of Majestic Tulip Seeds, proceed to Step 2.
  2. Purple Tulips.png 10 Purple Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Purple Tulips with (Purple/Blue) genes to produce Blue Tulip Seeds, and a 60% take a chance of Regal Tulip Seeds.
    • Purple Tulip Seeds obtained in this step volition have a twenty% take a chance of being a Pure Purple Tulip with (Majestic/Royal) genes.
    • To verify the purity of a Purple Tulip cantankerous-pollinate Blue Tulips onto it. If yous receive a Blue Tulip Seed, the flower is not pure and can exist harvested.
  3. Orange Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png - Cross-pollinating Lloid Orangish Tulips onto a Pure Purple Tulip to produce an equal chance of Orangish Tulip Seeds and Purple Tulip Seeds.

Help from a Friend'due south Garden

To obtain Imperial Tulips from a Friend'southward Garden follow the steps outline in the table below:

Pace # Parent one Parent 2 Effect % Take a chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png = Purple Tulip Seeds.png 22.5%
(O/W) (Friend's) (P/Westward)

In-Depth Info

  1. Orange Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orangish Tulips with a Purple Tulip from a friend's garden to produce a 22.5% take chances of Purple Tulip Seeds.
    • The Imperial Tulip Seeds from your friend'south garden will have (Purple/White) genes rather than (Royal/Blue). To collect a big amount of Imperial Tulip Seeds, proceed to step 2 in the department above.

White Tulips [ ]

White Tulips can exist obtained from your garden by scratch or more than easily through a friend's garden.

To obtain White Tulips from scratch follow the steps outlined in the table beneath:

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Chance
1a. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png half-dozen.7%
(O/Due west) (O/Westward) (Westward/W)
1b. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png 45%
(O/Westward) (B/B) (Westward/B)
2. Orange Tulips.png(O/West) ten Blue Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png(West/B) 45%
Orange Tulips.png(O/B) (B/B) Blue Tulip Seeds.png(B/B) 45%

In-Depth Info

1a.Orange Tulips.png ten Orange Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto Lloid Orange Tulips to produce Orangish Tulip Seeds, Blackness Tulip Seeds, and a 6.7% chance of White Tulip Seeds.
  • The White Tulip Seeds obtained from this step volition accept pure (White/White) genes.
  • Cross-pollinating pure (White/White) genes has an equal run a risk of creating Black Tulip Seeds, therefore this method is not advised.
1b.Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orangish Tulips onto Blueish Tulips to produce an equal chance of Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds.
  • The Orange Tulip Seeds obtained from this step volition have either (Orange/White) or (Orange/Blue) genes.
  • If you merely wish to create White Tulips, throw away whatsoever Orange Tulip Seeds created in this step and keep to apply Lloid Orange Tulip Seeds until you get your desired amount of White Tulip Seeds.
  • If you wish to likewise create Blue Tulip Seeds, continue to stride 2.
two. Orange Tulips.png 10 Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Orange Tulips created in Steps 1b. or 1c. onto a Pure Blue Tulip to produce an equal chance of Orange Tulip Seeds and Blueish Tulip Seeds or White Tulip Seeds.

To obtain White Tulips from a Friend's Garden follow the steps outline in the table below:

Step # Parent ane Parent 2 Outcome % Chance
1c. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png 45%
(O/Westward) (Friend'southward) (Due west/B)

In-Depth Info

1c.Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto a friend'southward Bluish Tulips to produce an equal adventure of Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds.
  • The White Tulip Seeds obtained from this step will accept (White/Blueish) genes.
  • Y'all can go on cross-pollinating on a friend's Blue Tulip or switch to step 1b. or step 2 in your own garden, depending on your preference.

Growing a Pure White Tulip

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Hazard
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png six.vii%
(O/West) (O/W)> (W/W)

In-Depth Info

1a. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png 10 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orangish Tulips onto Lloid Orange Tulips to produce Orangish Tulip Seeds, Blackness Tulip Seeds, and a 6.7% run a risk of White Tulip Seeds.
  • The White Tulip Seeds obtained from this step volition take pure (White/White) genes.

Blue Tulips [ ]

Blue Tulips tin can be obtained from your garden by scratch or more easily through a friend'south garden. All Blueish Tulips have pure Blue/Blue genes.

Growing a Blueish Tulip

To obtain Blue Tulips from scratch follow the steps outlined in the table beneath:

Step # Parent i Parent 2 Outcome % Chance
1. Pink Tulips.png 10 Black Tulips.png = Purple Tulip Seeds.png 15.7%
(P/West) (B/W) (P/B)
two. Purple Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png = Blue Tulip Seeds.png 20%
(P/B) (P/B) (B/B)
3. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png ten Blue Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png(O/B) 45%
(O/Due west) (B/B) White Tulip Seeds.png(W/B)
4. Orange Tulips.png(O/B) x Blue Tulips.png = Blue Tulip Seeds.png 45%
White Tulips.png(W/B) (B/B) (B/B)

In-Depth Info

  1. Pink Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Pink Tulips onto Black Tulips to produce Blackness Tulip Seeds, Pink Tulip Seeds, White Tulip Seeds, and a fifteen.vii% chance of Purple Tulip Seeds.
    • To create Pink Tulips, refer to the Pinkish Tulips section. To Create Black Tulips, refer to the Black Tulips department.
    • The Purple Tulip Seeds obtained from this step will have (Imperial/Blue) genes.
  2. Purple Tulips.png x Purple Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the Purple Tulips with (Purple/Blue) genes from Footstep 1 onto one another to create Purple Tulip Seeds and a 20% chance of Blue Tulip Seeds.
    • To collect a large amount of Blue Tulip Seeds empty your bag of any excess Orange and White Tulip Seeds before proceeding to Step 3.
  3. Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Orangish Tulips onto a Blueish Tulip obtained from Step two to produce an equal chance of Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds.
    • The Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds obtained from this footstep will accept (Orange/Bluish) and (White/Bluish) genes respectively.
  4. Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the Orange Tulips you lot received in Step 3 onto a Blue Tulip to produce an equal chance of Orange Tulip Seeds and Blueish Tulip Seeds.
White Tulips.png ten Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the White Tulips you received in Step 3 onto a Bluish Tulip to produce an equal chance of White Tulip Seeds and Blue Tulip Seeds.
  • Repeat Steps three and 4 until the desired amount of Blue Tulip Seeds have been obtained.

Help from a Friend'southward Garden

To obtain Bluish Tulips from a Friend'due south Garden follow the steps outline in the table below:

Pace # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Take a chance
ane. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png 10 Blue Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png(O/B) 45%
(O/Westward) (Friend's) White Tulip Seeds.png(West/B)
two. Orange Tulips.png(O/B) x Blue Tulips.png = Blue Tulip Seeds.png 45%
White Tulips.png(Due west/B) (Friend's) (B/B)

In-Depth Info

  1. Orange Tulips.png ten Blue Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips onto a friend's Blue Tulips to produce an equal take a chance of Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds.
    • The Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds obtained from this step will have (Orange/Blueish) genes.
  2. Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate the Orangish Tulips you lot received in Footstep i onto a friend's Blueish Tulips to produce an equal risk of Orange Tulip Seeds and Blue Tulip Seeds.
White Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the White Tulips yous received in Footstep i onto a friend'due south Blue Tulip to produce an equal chance of White Tulip Seeds and Blue Tulip Seeds.
  • Y'all tin continue cross-pollinating on a friend'south Blue Tulip or switch to Step three outlined to a higher place, depending on your preference.

Pansies [ ]

To complete all the pansy trades for items in the catalog, the player will need to buy around 1,300 Ruby Pansies and 560 Yellow Pansies from Lloid in the garden for the steps below.

Ruby-red Pansies [ ]

Ruddy Pansies can be obtained by purchasing Red Pansy Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

  • All Ruddy Pansies purchased from Lloid will have (Red/White) genes.

Growing a Pure Cherry-red Pansy with Lloid Seeds

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Result % Take chances
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = Orange Pansy Seeds.png 29%
(R/Due west) (Y/W) (R/Y)
2. Orange Pansies.png x Orange Pansies.png = Red Pansy Seeds.png 9%
(R/Y) (R/Y) (R/R)

In-Depth Info

  1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Red Pansies onto Lloid Yellow Pansies (or vice versa) to produce Red Pansy Seeds, Yellow Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a 29% chance of Orangish Pansy Seeds.
    • The Orange Pansy Seeds obtained will accept (Red/Yellow) genes.
  2. Orange Pansies.png ten Orange Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Orange Pansies onto Orangish pansies to produce Orange Pansy Seeds, Xanthous Pansy Seeds, and a ix% chance of Cherry Pansy Seeds.
    • The Red Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Red/Red) genes.

Help From a Friend'southward Garden

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Outcome % Chance
A1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png 10 Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = Orange Pansy Seeds.png 29%
(R/W) (Y/W) (R/Y)
A2. Orange Pansies.png x Red-Blue Pansies.png = Red Pansy Seeds.png fifteen%
(R/Y) (Frie nd's) (R/R)
B1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Red-Blue Pansies.png = Red-Blue Pansy Seeds.png 17.5%
(R/Westward) (Frie nd's) (R/B)
B2. Red-Blue Pansies.png ten Red-Blue Pansies.png = Red Pansy Seeds.png 25%
(R/B) (Frie nd'south) (R/R)

In-Depth Info

Method A:

  1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png ten Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Red Pansies onto Lloid Yellow Pansies (or vice versa) to produce Red Pansy Seeds, Xanthous Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a 29% risk of Scarlet-Yellow (Orange) Pansy Seeds.
    • The Orange Pansy Seeds obtained volition have (Red/Yellow) genes.
  2. Orange Pansies.png ten Red-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Orange Pansies onto friend'southward Blood-red-Blueish Pansy to produce Orange Pansy Seeds, Xanthous-Blue Pansy Seeds, Red-Blue Pansy seeds, and a 15% chance of Crimson Pansy Seeds.
    • The Ruddy Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Red/Red) genes.

Method B:

  1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png 10 Red-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Reddish Pansies onto friend'south Red-Blue Pansy to produce Red Pansy Seeds, Blue Pansy Seeds, Purple Pansy Seeds, and a 17.5% adventure of Ruby-red-Blue Pansy Seeds.
  2. Red-Blue Pansies.png ten Red-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Red-Blueish Pansies onto friend's Ruby-Blue Pansy to produce Blue Pansy Seeds, Red-Blue Pansy Seeds, Imperial Pansy Seeds, and a 25% chance of Ruby Pansy seeds.
    • The Red Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Scarlet/Cherry-red) genes.

Yellow Pansies [ ]

Yellow Pansies can be obtained by purchasing Yellow Pansy Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

  • All Yellow Pansies purchased from Lloid volition have (Yellowish/White) genes.

Blue Pansies [ ]

Blueish Pansies can exist obtained from scratch or more than easily through a Friend'due south Garden.

Note that you will collect a large amount of Blue Pansy Seeds while creating other flower variations. Solely creating Blue Pansy Seeds in bulk is therefore non necessary.

If you still wish to focus on obtaining Blueish Pansies from scratch, the 3 easiest methods are detailed in the table beneath:

Stride # Parent 1 Parent 2 Result % Chance
1a. Coral Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 20.4%
(C/West) (C/W) (B/West)
1b. Red-Blue Pansies.png 10 Red-Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 20%
(R/B) (R/B) (B/B)
1c. Yellow-Blue Pansies.png x Yellow-Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png xv.6%
(Y/B) (Y/B) (B/B)

In-Depth Info

1a. Coral Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Coral Pansies with (Coral/White) genes onto one some other to produce Coral Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a 20.4% chance of Blueish Pansy Seeds.
  • This is the shortest method to obtain Bluish Pansy Seeds from scratch.
1b. Red-Blue Pansies.png x Red-Blue Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Crimson-Blue Pansies onto one some other to produce Purple Pansy Seeds, Red-Blue Pansy Seeds, Blood-red Pansy Seeds, and a 20% chance of Bluish Pansy Seeds.
  • The Red Pansy Seeds and Blue Pansy Seeds obtained in this pace volition have Pure (Red/Red) or (Blueish/Blue) genes.
1c. Yellow-Blue Pansies.png ten Yellow-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Xanthous-Blueish Pansies onto ane another to produce Xanthous-Blue Pansy Seeds, Coral Pansy Seeds, Yellow Pansy Seeds, and a 15.six% chance of Bluish Pansy Seeds.
  • The Yellow Pansy Seeds and Bluish Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have Pure (Yellowish/Yellow) or (Blue/Blue) genes.

To obtain Blue Pansies from a Friend'due south Garden follow the steps outline in the tabular array below:

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Take a chance
1d. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png 10 Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 45%
(R/W) (Friend's) (B/W)
1e. Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 37.5%
(Y/W) (Friend's) (B/W)

In-Depth Info

1d. Red Pansies.png ten Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Red Pansies onto a friend'due south Blue Pansy to produce Purple Pansy Seeds, Crimson-Blue Pansy Seeds, and a 45% gamble of Bluish Pansy Seeds.
  • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have (Blue/White) genes.
  • If your friend does not have a pure Blue Pansy, the chance of obtaining a Blueish Pansy seed is reduced to 22.5%.
1e. Yellow Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Yellow Pansies onto a friend's Blue Pansy to produce Yellowish-Blueish Pansy Seeds and a 37.5% take a chance of Bluish Pansy Seeds.
  • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have (Blue/White) genes.
  • If your friend does not have a pure Bluish Pansy, the risk of obtaining a Blue Pansy seed is reduced to

Growing a Pure Blue Pansy

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Gamble
1a. Red-Blue Pansies.png x Red-Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png twenty%
(R/B) (R/B) (B/B)
1b. Yellow-Blue Pansies.png x Yellow-Blue Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 15.6%
(Y/B) (Y/B) (B/B)

In-Depth Info

1a. Red-Blue Pansies.png x Red-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Red-Blueish Pansies onto one another to produce Purple Pansy Seeds, Red-Blue Pansy Seeds, Ruby-red Pansy Seeds, and a twenty% gamble of Bluish Pansy Seeds.
  • The Bluish Pansy Seeds obtained in this step volition take pure (Blueish/Blue) genes.
  • To obtain Ruby-red-Blue Pansies, refer to the How to Obtain - Cerise-Blue Pansies section.
1b. Yellow-Blue Pansies.png x Yellow-Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Yellow-Blue Pansies onto one another to produce Yellow-Blue Pansy Seeds, Coral Pansy Seeds, Xanthous Pansy Seeds, and a fifteen.6% adventure of Blue Pansy Seeds.
  • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have pure (Bluish/Blue) genes.
  • To obtain Yellow-Blue Pansies, refer to the How to Obtain - Yellow-Bluish Pansies section.

Coral Pansies [ ]

Coral Pansies tin can be obtained from your garden by scratch or more easily through a friend'southward garden.

To obtain Coral Pansies from scratch follow the steps outlined in the table beneath:

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Run a risk
1. Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png 21.4%
(Y/W) (Y/Westward) (C/W)
two. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png 45%
(R/W) (C/C) (C/Due west)
3. Red Pansies.png(R/W) x Coral Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png(C/Westward) 45%
Red Pansies.png(R/C) (C/C) Coral Pansy Seeds.png(C/C) 22.ii%

In-Depth Info

  1. Yellow Pansies.png x Yellow Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Yellow Pansies onto one another to produce Yellowish Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a 21.4% chance of Coral Pansy Seeds.
    • This is the simplest method to producing Coral Pansy Seeds from scratch.
    • If you wish to obtain a large corporeality of Coral Pansy Seeds, continue to Pace 2.
  2. Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Lloid Red Pansies onto a Pure Coral Pansy to produce Red Pansy Seeds and a 45% adventure of Coral Pansy Seeds.
    • This step has the highest chance of producing Coral Pansy Seeds merely you volition need to cross-pollinate onto a Pure Coral Pansy with (Coral/Coral) genes.
    • Y'all tin obtain a Pure Coral Pansy Seed from a Friend's Garden (easy) or from scratch on your own (difficult). Both methods are outlined in their sections below.
    • If you likewise wish to obtain Blueish Pansy Seeds, proceed to Pace three. Otherwise, echo this step until the desired amount of Coral Pansy Seeds have been obtained.
  3. Red Pansies.png 10 Coral Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Red Pansies with (Red/White) genes from Stride 2 onto a Pure Coral Pansy to produce Red Pansy Seeds and a 45% gamble of Coral Pansy Seeds.
Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Red Pansies with (Ruddy/Coral) genes from Step 2 onto a Pure Coral Pansy to produce Cerise Pansy Seeds, Pure Coral Pansy Seeds, and a 32.two% chance of Blue Pansy Seeds
  • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have (Blue/White) genes.
  • Echo Steps two and three until the desired amount of Coral Pansy Seeds and Blue Pansy Seeds take been obtained.

Growing a Pure Coral Pansy

Information technology is easier to obtain a Pure Coral Pansy Seed with (Coral/Coral) genes from a Friend'south Garden. If you wish to grow 1 on your own, follow the steps outlined in the below:

Step # Parent 1 Parent two Effect % Chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png 10 Coral Pansies.png = Red Pansy Seeds.png(R/W) 27.7%
(R/Due west) (C/W) Red Pansy Seeds.png(R/C) 17.3%
ii. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Red Pansies.png(R/W) = White Pansy Seeds.png(Due west/W) 22.5%
(R/W) Red Pansies.png(R/C) Coral Pansy Seeds.png(C/W) 34.9%
3. Red Pansies.png ten Red Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png
(R/C) (R/C) (C/C)

In-Depth Info

  1. Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Blood-red Pansies onto a Coral Pansy to produce Red Pansy Seeds, Coral Pansy Seeds, and White Pansy Seeds.
    • The Red Pansy Seeds obtained from this Step will have either (Red/White) or (Red/Coral) genes.
    • You will demand to identify and discard all Ruddy Pansies with (Red/White) genes. To practice so, go along to Step ii.
  2. Red Pansies.png x Red Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Lloid Reddish Pansies onto the Ruby-red Pansies obtained in Step 1.
    • If y'all receive a White Pansy Seed, then the Ruby-red Pansy has (Ruby/White) genes and can be discarded.
    • If you receive a Coral Pansy Seed, then the Cherry-red Pansy has (Blood-red/Coral) genes.
    • Once you accept removed all Red Pansies with (Red/White) genes from your garden, discard all Cerise Pansies and Coral Pansy Seeds from your bag.
    • Your garden volition at present take only Blood-red Pansies with (Red/Coral) genes. Leaving merely i Ruby-red Pansy on your garden footing, harvest the residual and proceed to Footstep iii.
  3. Red Pansies.png x Red Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Reddish Pansies with (Red/Coral) genes onto one another to produce Ruby Pansy Seeds, Bluish Pansy Seeds, and a 13.six% chance of Coral Pansy Seeds.
    • The Coral Pansy Seeds in this stride will have Pure (Coral/Coral) genes.

Aid from a Friend's Garden

To obtain Coral Pansies from a Friend's Garden follow the steps outline in the table below:

Step # Parent one Parent 2 Upshot % Gamble
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png 45%
(R/W) (Friend's) (C/Due west)
two. Red Pansies.png ten Coral Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png 22.2%
(R/C) (Friend's) (C/C)

In-Depth Info

  1. Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate Lloid Ruddy Pansies onto a friend's Pure Coral Pansy to produce Ruby-red Pansy Seeds and a 45% chance of Coral Pansy Seeds.
    • Echo this stride until the desired amount of seeds have been obtained.
    • If yous wish to obtain a Pure Coral Pansy Seed, discard all Coral Pansy Seeds in your bag and continue to Step 2.
  2. Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-Pollinate the Red Pansies obtained from Step 1 onto a friend's Pure Coral Pansy to produce Cherry Pansy Seeds, Blue Pansy Seeds, and a 22.ii% chance of Pure Coral Pansy Seeds.
    • All Coral Pansy Seeds obtained in this step will have pure (Coral/Coral) genes.

Purple Pansies [ ]

  1. Cross-pollinate Cherry Pansies purchased from Lloid onto Blueish Pansies.

Pollinating on not-pure Blue Pansies with Blue/Purple and pure Blueish Pansies with Blueish/Blue genes will provide the fastest results.

(*Both types of Blue Pansies will render both Purple Pansies and Red-Blue Pansies, so it is recommended to piece of work on the two colors together.)

For catalog completion, the histrion should wait to utilise around 650 Red Pansies, (approximately 375 Red Pansies used on Blue Pansies with Blue/Majestic genes, and 275 Red Pansies used on Blue Pansies with Blue/Blue genes) with an average event of:

White Pansies [ ]

  1. Cross-pollinate Red Pansies purchased from Lloid onto White Pansies.

Pollinating on pure White Pansies with White/White genes will provide the fastest results.

For catalog completion, the histrion should expect to use effectually 325 Ruby-red Pansies, with an average outcome of:

Growing a Pure White Pansy

Pace # Parent 1 Parent two Outcome % Chance
1a. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = White Pansy Seeds.png 21%
(R/W) (Y/Due west) (W/W)
1b. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png = White Pansy Seeds.png 25%
(R/W) (R/Westward) (Westward/W)

In-Depth Info

  1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png ten Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Blood-red Pansies onto Lloid Yellow Pansies (or vice versa) to produce Ruddy Pansy Seeds, Yellowish Pansy Seeds, and a 21% adventure of White Pansy Seeds.
    • The White Pansy Seeds obtained will take (White/White) genes.
  2. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Blood-red Pansies onto Lloid Reddish Pansies to produce Red Pansy Seeds and a 25% chance of White Pansy Seeds.
    • The White Pansy Seeds obtained will have (White/White) genes.

Orange Pansies [ ]

  1. Cross-pollinate Yellow Pansies purchased from Lloid onto Scarlet Pansies.

Pollinating on pure Red Pansies with Red/Red genes will provide the fastest results.

For catalog completion, the player should expect to utilise around 280 Yellow Pansies, with an average outcome of:

Growing an Orange Pansy

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Issue % Chance
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = Orange Pansy Seeds.png 29%
(R/Due west) (Y/Westward) (R/Y)

In-Depth Info

  1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png ten Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Red Pansies onto Lloid Yellow Pansies to produce Carmine Pansy Seeds, Xanthous Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a 29% chance of Orange Pansy Seeds.
    • The Orange Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Blood-red/Yellow) genes.

Red-Blueish Pansies [ ]

  1. Cross-pollinate Red Pansies purchased from Lloid onto Blue Pansies.

Pollinating on non-pure Blue Pansies with Blue/Purple and pure Bluish Pansies with Bluish/Blue genes will provide the fastest results.

(*Both types of Blue Pansies volition return both Purple Pansies and Reddish-Blue Pansies, so information technology is recommended to work on the 2 colors together.)

For catalog completion, the player should expect to use effectually 650 Cherry Pansies, (approximately 375 Ruddy Pansies used on Blue Pansies with Blue/Purple genes, and 275 Ruby Pansies used on Blue Pansies with Blue/Blue genes) with an boilerplate outcome of:

Growing a Red-Blueish Pansy

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Outcome % Chance
1. Coral Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 20.iv%
(C/W) (C/Westward) (B/W)
2. Blue Pansies.png x Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png = Red-Blue Pansy Seeds.png 17.v%
(B/W) (R/W) (R/B)

In-Depth Info

  1. Coral Pansies.png 10 Coral Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Coral Pansies with (Coral/White) onto Coral Pansies with (Coral/White) to produce Coral Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and a xx.4% risk of Blue Pansy Seeds.
    • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained will accept (Blue/White) genes.
  2. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Reddish Pansies onto the Blue Pansies obtained in Step One to produce Red Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, Blueish Pansy Seeds, Majestic Pansy Seeds, and a 17.v% run a risk of Red-Blue Pansy Seeds.
    • The Blood-red-Blue Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Red/Blueish) genes.

Yellow-Blue Pansies [ ]

  1. Cantankerous-pollinate Yellow Pansies purchased from Lloid onto Blue Pansies.

Pollinating on pure Bluish Pansies with Blue/Blue genes volition provide the fastest results.

For catalog completion, the player should expect to utilise around 280 Yellowish Pansies, with an average consequence of:

Growing a Yellow-Blue Pansy

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Chance
1. Coral Pansies.png 10 Coral Pansies.png = Blue Pansy Seeds.png 20.4%
(C/Due west) (C/W) (B/W)
2. Blue Pansies.png 10 Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png = Yellow-Blue Pansy Seeds.png 35%
(B/W) (Y/Westward) (Y/B)

In-Depth Info

  1. Coral Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Coral Pansies with (Coral/White) onto Coral Pansies with (Coral/White) to produce Coral Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, and Blue Pansy Seeds.
    • The Blue Pansy Seeds obtained will have (Blueish/White) genes.
  2. Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png ten Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Yellow Pansies onto Blue pansies to produce Yellow Pansy Seeds, White Pansy Seeds, Blue Pansy Seeds, and a 35% take a chance of Yellowish-Blue Pansy Seeds.
    • The Yellow-Bluish Pansy Seeds obtained will accept (Yellow/Blue) genes.

Roses [ ]

Red Rose [ ]

Crimson Roses can exist obtained by purchasing Ruby Rose Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

White Rose [ ]

White Roses can exist obtained by purchasing White Rose Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

Pink Rose [ ]

Pink Roses tin can be obtained from scratch by following the pace outlined in the table below:

Pace # Parent one Parent 2 Upshot % Hazard
1. Lloid Icon.png Ev flower 022 00.png x Lloid Icon.png Ev flower 022 01.png = Ev seed 022 02 cmps.png 90%

In-Depth Info

  1. Ev flower 022 00.png 10 Ev flower 022 01.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Blood-red Roses onto Lloid White Roses to produce a 90% chance of Pinkish Rose Seeds.
    • Continue Footstep 1 until the desired amount of Pink Rose Seeds have been obtained.

Dandelions [ ]

Yellow Dandelions [ ]

Yellow Dandelions can be obtained by purchasing Yellow Dandelion Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

White Dandelions [ ]

White Dandelions tin can be obtained by purchasing White Dandelion Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid and planting them.

Orange Dandelions [ ]

Orangish Dandelions can be obtained from scratch by following the step outlined in the table beneath:

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcome % Run a risk
1. Lloid Icon.png Ev flower 032 00.png x Lloid Icon.png Ev flower 032 01.png = Ev seed 032 02 cmps.png 90%

In-Depth Info

  1. Ev flower 032 00.png x Ev flower 032 01.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Yellow Dandelions onto Lloid White Dandelions to produce a xc% chance of Orange Dandelion Seeds.
    • Proceed Step 1 until the desired amount of Orange Dandelion Seeds take been obtained.

Itemize Completion Quick Guide [ ]

Tulips Quick Guide [ ]

Setting Up Tulips [ ]

Part I. Tulips Planted in Garden

To begin this guide, you will need the following Tulips in your garden:

i. Pure Tulips

In your garden you volition need to plant the following Pure Tulips:

Needed Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blueish Tulips (B/B)
ane White Tulips (W/W)
1 Black Tulips (B/B)

In-Depth Info

When you have the required Pure Tulips planted in your garden, go on to Part ii.

ii. Mixed-Gene Tulips

You lot will too need to plant the post-obit mixed-gene Tulips:

Needed Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
ane Black Tulips (B/P)
1 Pinkish Tulips (P/P)

In-Depth Info

Discard whatever Tulip Seeds created in the above steps and restock Lloid Orangish Tulips.

When you have the required mixed-gene Tulips, discard all seeds in your handbag. These volition non have the genes required for the post-obit steps. Once you lot accept sold all seeds, go along to Office III.

Part III. Tulips in Handbag

You will also demand the post-obit Tulips in your handbag:

Needed Tulips in Bag
# Tulips Genes
325 Lloid Icon.png Crimson Tulips (R/Y)
1116 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)

In-Depth Info

When yous have the required amount of Red and Orange Tulips, proceed to Part Iii.

Office III. Current Tulips

Your Bag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Tulips in Bag
# Tulips Genes
325 Lloid Icon.png Carmine Tulips (R/Y)
1116 Lloid Icon.png Orangish Tulips (O/W)
Electric current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blueish Tulips (B/B)
one White Tulips (Westward/Due west)
1 Blackness Tulips (B/B)
ane Blackness Tulips (B/P)
1 Pinkish Tulips (P/P)

When you have the required Tulips, continue to Set 1.

Prepare 1: Yellow and Pink Tulips [ ]

Office I. Cantankerous-Pollination

To obtain Yellow and Pink Tulip Seeds, follow the steps outlined below:

Step # Parent one Parent two Outcomes
i. Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png x White Tulips.png = Red Tulip Seeds.png Yellow Tulip Seeds.png Pink Tulip Seeds.png
(R/Y) (West/Due west) (R/Westward) (Y/W) (P/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Red Tulips.png x White Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Red Tulips from your handbag onto the Pure White Tulip in your garden to produce Ruby-red Tulip Seeds, Yellow Tulip Seeds, and Pink Tulip Seeds.
    • When you reach 145 Yellow Tulip Seeds, cease.

On average, your bag volition at present accept:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Item(s) Genes
+ 44 Cherry-red Tulip Seeds (R/Due west)
+ 146 Yellow Tulip Seeds (Y/Westward)
+ 102 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
- 325 Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips (R/Y)

Part II. Farther Actions

Step # Particular(south) Activeness
2a. 145 Red Tulips.png Garden Lloid Icon.png
2b. 44 Red Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2a. Red Tulips.png Garden Lloid Icon.png - Trade-in whatsoever remaining Red Tulips to Lloid in the Garden.
  • You lot should now have the Red Tulips Series Catalog completed.
2b. Red Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png - Sell all Red Tulip Seeds obtained from Step one.

Office 3. Verify Pocketbook Content

Your Bag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined beneath:

Electric current Item(s) in Bag
# Item(s) Genes
1116 Lloid Icon.png Orangish Tulips (O/W)
146 Yellow Tulip Seeds (Y/W)
102 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
Electric current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blue Tulips (B/B)
1 White Tulips (W/W)
1 Black Tulips (B/B)
ane Blackness Tulips (B/P)
one Pink Tulips (P/P)

Later verifying the items in your bag, continue to Set 2.

Set 2: Pink and Purple Tulips [ ]

Part I. Cross-Pollination

To obtain Pink and Majestic Tulip Seeds, follow the steps outlined below:

Step # Parent one Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Pink Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png Pink Tulip Seeds.png Purple Tulip Seeds.png
(O/W) (P/P) (O/P or P) (P/W) (P/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Orange Tulips.png ten Pink Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips from your bag onto the Pink Tulip with (Pink/Purple) genes in your garden to produce Orangish Tulip Seeds, Pink Tulip Seeds, and Royal Tulip Seeds.
    • When you achieve 145 Pink Tulip Seeds in total, terminate.

On average, your bag will reflect the following changes:

Inverse Items in Handbag
+/- Items Genes
+ 88 Orange Tulip Seeds (O/P or P)
+ 44 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
+ 44 Imperial Tulip Seeds (P/W)
- 196 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)

Part II. Further Actions

Stride # Item(s) Action
2. 88 Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2. Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png - Sell all Orange Tulip Seeds obtained from Step 1.

Part 3. Verify Bag Content

Your Purse and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Items in Bag
# Items Genes
920 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)
146 Xanthous Tulip Seeds (Y/W)
146 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
44 Imperial Tulip Seeds (P/W)
Current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blue Tulips (B/B)
1 White Tulips (W/Due west)
1 Blackness Tulips (B/B)
1 Blackness Tulips (B/P)
1 Pink Tulips (P/P)

Afterward verifying the items in your pocketbook, continue to Fix 3.

Set three: Purple and Black Tulips [ ]

Part I. Cross-Pollination

To obtain Purple and Black Tulip Seeds, follow the steps outlined below:

Step # Parent 1 Parent two Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png 10 Black Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png Black Tulip Seeds.png Purple Tulip Seeds.png
(O/W) (B/P) (O/B or P) (B/W) (P/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Orange Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips from your handbag onto the Black Tulip with (Black/Purple) genes in your garden to produce Orange Tulip Seeds, Black Tulip Seeds, and Purple Tulip Seeds.
    • When you lot reach 145 Purple Tulip Seeds in total, stop.

On average, your bag volition reflect the following changes:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Items Genes
+ 204 Orange Tulip Seeds (O/B or P)
+ 102 Black Tulip Seeds (B/Due west)
+ 102 Purple Tulip Seeds (P/Due west)
- 455 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)

Office Two. Farther Actions

Footstep # Particular(southward) Activeness
2. 204 Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2. Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png - Sell all Orangish Tulip Seeds obtained from Pace i.

Function III. Verify Bag Content

Your Handbag and Garden should at present reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Items in Bag
# Items Genes
465 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/Westward)
146 Yellow Tulip Seeds (Y/W)
146 Pinkish Tulip Seeds (P/W)
146 Purple Tulip Seeds (P/W)
102 Black Tulip Seeds (B/W)
Current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blue Tulips (B/B)
one White Tulips (W/W)
ane Black Tulips (B/B)
1 Blackness Tulips (B/P)
1 Pinkish Tulips (P/P)

After verifying the items in your bag, go along to Prepare 4.

Fix four: Blackness Tulips [ ]

Part I. Cantankerous-Pollination

To obtain Black Tulip Seeds, follow the steps outlined below:

Step # Parent 1 Parent ii Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Black Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png Black Tulip Seeds.png
(O/Westward) (B/B) (O/B) (B/Westward)
In-Depth Info
  1. Orange Tulips.png 10 Black Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Orange Tulips from your bag onto the Pure Black Tulip in your garden to produce Orange Tulip Seeds and Black Tulip Seeds.
    • When you reach 145 Black Tulip Seeds in total, stop.

On average, your purse will reverberate the following changes:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Items Genes
+ 43 Orange Tulip Seeds (O/B)
+ 43 Blackness Tulip Seeds (B/West)
- 96 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)

Part Two. Further Actions

Step # Item(s) Action
ii. 96 Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
two. Orange Tulip Seeds.png Bells.png - Sell all Orange Tulip Seeds obtained from Step 1.

Part III. Verify Bag Content

Your Bag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined below:

Electric current Items in Bag
# Items Genes
369 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/W)
146 Yellow Tulip Seeds (Y/W)
146 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
146 Regal Tulip Seeds (P/W)
145 Blackness Tulip Seeds (B/W)
Current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blue Tulips (B/B)
ane White Tulips (W/Westward)
1 Black Tulips (B/B)
1 Blackness Tulips (B/P)
1 Pinkish Tulips (P/P)

After verifying the items in your bag, proceed to Prepare v.

Set v: White and Bluish Tulips [ ]

Discard all Orange Tulip Seeds in your handbag before proceeding to Part I.

Function I. Cross-Pollination

To obtain White and Blue Tulip Seeds, follow the steps outlined below:

Step # Parent ane Parent 2 Outcomes
one. Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png = Orange Tulip Seeds.png White Tulip Seeds.png
(O/W) (B/B) (O/B) (W/B)
2. Orange Tulips.png(O/B) x Blue Tulips.png = White Tulip Seeds.png (W/B)
White Tulips.png(W/B) (B/B) Blue Tulip Seeds.png (B/B)
In-Depth Info
  1. Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Orangish Tulips from your bag onto the Pure Blueish Tulip in your garden to produce Orange Tulip Seeds and White Tulip Seeds.
  2. Orange Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the Orange Tulips obtained from Step one onto the Pure Blue Tulip in your garden to produce Orange Tulip Seeds and Blueish Tulip Seeds.
White Tulips.png x Blue Tulips.png - Cross-pollinate the White Tulips obtained from Stride ane onto the Pure Blue Tulip in your garden to produce White Tulip Seeds and Blue Tulip Seeds.
  • Echo Footstep 2 with the obtained Orangish and White Tulip Seeds. Maintain a minimum balance of 145 White seeds.
  • When you reach 145 Blue Tulip Seeds in total, stop.

On average, your bag will reflect the post-obit changes:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Items Genes
+ 145 White Tulip Seeds (Due west/B)
+ 154 Blue Tulip Seeds (B/B)
- 370 Lloid Icon.png Orangish Tulips (O/Due west)

Part 2. Further Actions

No further actions required.

Part Iii. Verify Pocketbook Content

Your Handbag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined beneath:

Electric current Items in Pocketbook
# Items Genes
95 Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips (O/Due west)
146 Yellow Tulip Seeds (Y/Westward)
146 Pink Tulip Seeds (P/W)
146 Purple Tulip Seeds (P/Due west)
145 Black Tulip Seeds (B/W)
145 White Tulip Seeds (Due west/B)
154 Blue Tulip Seeds (B/B)
Current Tulips in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Blue Tulips (B/B)
1 White Tulips (W/W)
i Black Tulips (B/B)
ane Blackness Tulips (B/P)
one Pink Tulips (P/P)

After verifying the items in your bag, proceed to Final Steps.

Last Steps [ ]

You lot have finished preparing the Tulip Seeds necessary. Outline below are the final steps needed to complete the Tulips Serial for Full Catalog Completion:

  1. Plant and harvest all seeds obtained from the previous Sets and merchandise them in with Lloid in the garden.
    • Because the above guide is based on averages, you may exist short of Blood-red or Orangish Tulips. If this is the instance, buy, constitute, and harvest a few more than.
Bonus: Complete the Happy Homeroom Courses: 11-2 Blossom-Garden Lounge and eleven-7 Flower-Garden Lounge ii.
  • Any part of this serial volition be a perfect substitution of one another. Y'all do non need the Pansies Serial to get 3 medals.

Pansies Quick Guide [ ]

Setting Up Pansies [ ]

Part I. Pansies Planted in Garden

To brainstorm this guide yous will need the post-obit Pansies in your garden:

i. Pure Pansies

In your garden you will need to plant the following Pure Pansies:

Needed Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
i Scarlet Pansies (R/R)
1 Blue Pansies (B/B)
1 White Pansies (W/West)
1 Coral Pansies (C/C)

In-Depth Info:

When you have the required Pure Pansies planted in your garden, proceed to Function 2.

2. Mixed-Gene Pansies

You will too need to found the following Mixed-Gene Pansies:

Needed Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
1 Blueish Pansies (B/P)

In-Depth Info

  • Blue Pansies.png - To create a Blue Pansy with (Blue/Purple) genes, follow the steps outlined below:
  1. Purple Pansies.png ten Blue Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Purple Pansies with (Imperial/White) genes onto the Pure Blue Pansy in your garden to produce a 50% risk of Blue Pansy Seeds with (Blueish/Regal) genes.
  2. White Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png - To verify if your Blue Pansies have (Blue/Purple) genes, cross pollinate Pure White Pansies onto the Blue Pansies.
  • If you receive any Imperial Pansy Seeds, then your Blue Pansy has (Blue/Purple) genes.
  • If y'all receive whatever White Pansy Seeds, then your Blue Pansy has (Blue/White) genes and yous should uproot and discard it.

When yous have the required Mixed-Gene Pansy in your garden, discard all seeds in your bag. These will have different genes than those required in the post-obit steps. Once you accept sold all seeds, proceed to Function II.

Office II. Pansies In Pocketbook

Needed Pansies in Bag
# Pansies Genes
1300 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/W)
705 Lloid Icon.png Yellowish Pansies (Y/W)

In-Depth Info:

When you lot have the required corporeality of Ruby-red and Yellowish Pansies, check your current Pansy totals every bit outlined in Office III.

Part Three. Current Pansies

Your purse and garden should at present reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Pansies in Bag
# Pansies Genes
1300 Lloid Icon.png Blood-red Pansies (R/Westward)
705 Lloid Icon.png Xanthous Pansies (Y/W)
Current Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
ane Red Pansies (R/R)
1 Blue Pansies (B/B)
1 Blueish Pansies (B/P)
1 White Pansies (W/W)
ane Coral Pansies (C/C)

When y'all accept the required Pansies, proceed to Set 1.

Set 1: Orangish Pansies [ ]

Function I. Cantankerous-Pollination

Step # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png 10 Red Pansies.png = Orange Pansy Seeds.png Red Pansy Seeds.png
(Y/W) (R/R) (R/Y) (R/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Yellow Pansies.png x Red Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Yellow Pansies from your pocketbook onto the Pure Red Pansy in your garden to produce Red-Xanthous Pansy Seeds and Ruby-red Pansy Seeds.
    • When you reach 145 Orange Pansy Seeds, finish.

On average, your bag will now have:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Item(due south) Genes
+ 147 Orangish Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
+ 105 Ruby Pansy Seeds (R/W)
- 280 Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies (Y/West)

Part II. Farther Actions

Step # Detail(s) Activity
2. 105 Red Pansy Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2. Red Pansy Seeds.png Garden Lloid Icon.png - Sell all Carmine Pansy Seeds obtained from Footstep 1.

Part 3. Verify Bag Content

Your Pocketbook and Garden should now reverberate the tables outlined beneath:

Current Particular(south) in Handbag
# Item(s) Genes
1300 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/W)
425 Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies (Y/W)
147 Orange Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
Electric current Pansies in Garden
# Tulips Genes
1 Red Pansies (R/R)
ane Bluish Pansies (B/B)
i Blue Pansies (B/P)
1 White Pansies (W/W)
ane Coral Pansies (C/C)

Set 2: Yellow-Bluish Pansies [ ]

Part I. Cross-Pollination

Step # Parent one Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png = Yellow-Blue Pansy Seeds.png Blue Pansy Seeds.png
(Y/W) (B/B) (Y/B) (B/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Yellow Pansies.png ten Blue Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Yellow Pansies from your bag onto the Pure Blue Pansy in your garden to produce Yellowish-Blue Pansy Seeds and Blue Pansy Seeds.
    • When you reach 145 Xanthous-Blue Pansy Seeds, cease.

On boilerplate, your bag will now have:

Changed Items in Pocketbook
+/- Detail(s) Genes
+ 147 Yellowish-Blue Pansy Seeds (Y/Y)
+ 105 Bluish Pansy Seeds (B/W)
- 280 Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies (Y/Westward)

Role II. Further Actions

Footstep # Detail(s) Activity
2. 145 Yellow Pansies.png Garden Lloid Icon.png
In-Depth Info
2. Yellow Pansies.png Garden Lloid Icon.png - Trade-in remaining Xanthous Pansies to Lloid in the Garden.
  • You should at present have the Yellow Pansies Series Itemize completed.

Part III. Verify Bag Content

Your Bag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Item(due south) in Bag
# Item(southward) Genes
1300 Lloid Icon.png Cerise Pansies (R/W)
147 Orange Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
147 Yellow-Blueish Pansy Seeds (Y/B)
105 Bluish Pansy Seeds (B/W)
Current Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
1 Ruby-red Pansies (R/R)
i Blue Pansies (B/B)
i Blue Pansies (B/P)
1 White Pansies (Due west/W)
i Coral Pansies (C/C)

Set 3: White Pansies [ ]

Function I. Cross-Pollination

Footstep # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x White Pansies.png = White Pansy Seeds.png Red Pansy Seeds.png
(R/W) (W/W) (West/W) (R/W)
In-Depth Info
  1. Red Pansies.png x White Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Blood-red Pansies from your bag onto the Pure White Pansy in your garden to produce White Pansy Seeds and Cherry-red Pansy Seeds.
    • When you reach 145 White Pansy Seeds, stop.

On average, your pocketbook will now take:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Detail(southward) Genes
+ 146 White Pansy Seeds (W/Due west)
+ 146 Blood-red Pansy Seeds (R/West)
- 325 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/West)

Function II. Farther Actions

No further actions required.

Office Iii. Verify Bag Content

Your Bag and Garden should now reverberate the tables outlined below:

Electric current Particular(s) in Bag
# Item(s) Genes
975 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/W)
147 Orangish Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
147 Xanthous-Blue Pansy Seeds (Y/B)
146 White Pansy Seeds (W/W)
146 Reddish Pansy Seeds (R/W)
105 Blueish Pansy Seeds (B/Westward)
Current Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
one Red Pansies (R/R)
1 Blueish Pansies (B/B)
1 Blue Pansies (B/P)
1 White Pansies (W/W)
1 Coral Pansies (C/C)

Ready four: Purple, Ruby-red-Blue, & Bluish Pansies [ ]

Part I. Cantankerous-Pollination

Stride # Parent 1 Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png 10 Blue Pansies.png = Red-Blue Pansy Seeds.png Blue Pansy Seeds.png
(R/West) (B/B) (R/B) (B/West)
ii. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Blue Pansies.png = Red-Blue Pansy Seeds.png Purple Pansy Seeds.png Blue Pansy Seeds.png Red Pansy Seeds.png
(R/W) (B/P) (R/B) (P/W) (B/West) (R/West)
In-Depth Info
  1. Red Pansies.png x White Pansies.png - Cross-pollinate Lloid Crimson Pansies from your handbag onto the Pure Blue Pansy in your garden, alternating with the Blue Pansy with (B/P) genes, to produce Red-Blue Pansy Seeds, Imperial Pansy Seeds, Blue Pansy Seeds, and Red Pansy Seeds.

On average, your bag will now take:

Changed Items in Purse
+/- Item(s) Genes
+ 146 Red-Blue Pansy Seeds (R/B)
+ 147 Majestic Pansy Seeds (P/W)
+ 208 Blueish Pansy Seeds (B/Due west)
+ 84 Red Pansy Seeds (R/Westward)
- 650 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/Westward)

Part II. Further Deportment

Step # Detail(s) Action
2. 84 Red Pansy Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2. Red Pansy Seeds.png Garden Lloid Icon.png - Sell all Red Pansy Seeds obtained from Stride 1.

Office 3. Verify Purse Content

Your Pocketbook and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined below:

Current Particular(southward) in Bag
# Item(s) Genes
325 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/W)
147 Orange Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
147 Yellowish-Bluish Pansy Seeds (Y/B)
146 White Pansy Seeds (W/W)
146 Reddish Pansy Seeds (R/W)
313 Blue Pansy Seeds (B/Westward)
146 Ruby-red-Blue Pansy Seeds (R/B)
147 Purple Pansy Seeds (P/W)
Current Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
i Cherry-red Pansies (R/R)
one Blue Pansies (B/B)
1 Blue Pansies (B/P)
one White Pansies (Westward/West)
ane Coral Pansies (C/C)

Set v: Coral Pansies [ ]

Role I. Cross-Pollination

Stride # Parent ane Parent 2 Outcomes
1. Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png = Coral Pansy Seeds.png Red Pansy Seeds.png
(R/W) (C/C) (C/W) (R/C)
In-Depth Info
  1. Red Pansies.png x Coral Pansies.png - Cantankerous-pollinate Lloid Carmine Pansies from your bag onto the Pure Coral Pansy in your garden to produce Coral Pansy Seeds and Red Pansy Seeds.
    • When you attain 145 Coral Pansy Seeds, stop.

On average, your bag will now take:

Changed Items in Bag
+/- Item(s) Genes
+ 146 Coral Pansy Seeds (C/W)
+ 146 Cherry-red Pansy Seeds (R/Due west)
- 325 Lloid Icon.png Red Pansies (R/W)

Part 2. Further Deportment

Stride # Item(s) Action
2. 116 Red Pansy Seeds.png Bells.png
In-Depth Info
2. Red Pansy Seeds.png Garden Lloid Icon.png - Sell all but xxx of Red Pansy Seeds obtained from Step 1.

Part III. Verify Bag Content

Your Bag and Garden should now reflect the tables outlined beneath:

Electric current Item(s) in Bag
# Particular(s) Genes
147 Orange Pansy Seeds (R/Y)
147 Yellowish-Bluish Pansy Seeds (Y/B)
146 White Pansy Seeds (W/Westward)
176 Red Pansy Seeds (R/W)
313 Blue Pansy Seeds (B/Due west)
146 Reddish-Blue Pansy Seeds (R/B)
146 Regal Pansy Seeds (P/W)
146 Coral Pansy Seeds (C/Due west)
Current Pansies in Garden
# Pansies Genes
1 Carmine Pansies (R/R)
ane Blue Pansies (B/B)
1 Blue Pansies (B/P)
one White Pansies (W/Westward)
1 Coral Pansies (C/C)

Last Steps [ ]

You have finished preparing the Pansy Seeds necessary. Outline below are the final steps needed to consummate the Pansies Series for Full Itemize Completion:

  1. Plant and harvest 145* of each type of seed obtained from the previous Sets and merchandise them in with Lloid in the garden.
Bonus: Complete the Happy Homeroom Courses: 11-2 Flower-Garden Lounge and eleven-7 Flower-Garden Lounge ii.
  • Any part of this series volition be a perfect substitution of i some other. You do not need the Tulips Series to get 3 medals.

Flower Pollination Details [ ]

A large portion of the flower convenance mechanisms in ACPC are similar to genes in real life. Every flower and seed has ii genes, and even if a flower has the aforementioned color as another, they could have different cistron combinations. Flowers that look the same (i.due east. phenotype) will stack together in the player's inventory, regardless of their genes (i.east. genotype).

Flowers bought from Lloid in the garden always accept the exact same gene combination.

Tulip Details [ ]

Dominance [ ]

The appearance of a flower is determined by color authorization, with the more dominant color being the advent colour.

For tulips, the color authorization from strongest (1st) to weakest (8th) is:

  1. Red
  2. Yellowish
  3. Orange
  4. Black
  5. Pink
  6. Purple
  7. White
  8. Blueish

For example,

Note: Blue Tulips will always accept (Blue/Blue) genes, since any other color combination would make them appear non-blue.

Mutations [ ]

When cross-pollinating results in specific gene combinations, mutations may occur.

There is a 70% run a risk that when the thespian creates the following gene combinations, a mutated seed will result:

Note: If a flower seed mutates, a pocket-sized red "Rare!" banner will brandish while receiving the seed.

There is also a chance that cross-pollination tin can fail, resulting in the actor non receiving a flower seed:

Lloid'due south Seeds [ ]

You tin can buy Cherry Tulip Seeds and Orange Tulip Seeds from Lloid Icon.png Lloid in the Garden. These seeds will e'er take the same genes:

Knowing the genes for flowers from Lloid can allow the histrion to improve predict what cross-pollination results are possible.

For example, cross-pollinating Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png Lloid Red Tulips with Lloid Icon.png Orange Tulips.png Lloid Orangish Tulips, will take the post-obit possible outcomes:

Lloid Icon.png Red Tulips.png
Genes Crimson Yellow
Lloid Icon.png Orange Red Tulips.png Yellow Tulips.png
22.5% 22.5%
Orange Tulips.png White Red Tulips.png Pink Tulips.png Yellow Tulips.png
6.7% 15.7% 22.5%

Tabular array Notes:

Pansy Details [ ]

Dominance [ ]

The appearance of a blossom is determined by colour dominance, notwithstanding flowers tin can have co-ascendant (tied) colors which results in a new advent color. For pansies, the color authorization goes:

  1. Red / Xanthous / Blue
  2. Coral
  3. Purple
  4. White

Due to the co-dominance, pansies take the post-obit gene combination per appearance:

Bloom Colour Factor Combination
Orangish Pansies Red/Yellow
Red-Blue Pansies Red/Bluish
Cherry Pansies Red/Coral, Reddish/Imperial, Scarlet/White
Yellow-Blueish Pansies Yellowish/Blue
Yellowish Pansies Xanthous/Yellow, Yellow/Coral, Yellow/Purple, Yellow/White
Blue Pansies Blue/Coral, Bluish/Purple, Blue/White
Coral Pansies Coral/Coral, Coral/Purple, Coral/White
Purple Pansies Purple/Purple, Regal/White
White Pansies White/White

Additionally, some pansy colors accept a higher chance of being inherited:

  • Coral gene = eighty% priority
  • Yellow gene = lxx% priority
  • All other genes = l% priority

Mutations [ ]

When cross-pollinating results in specific gene combinations, mutations can occur. In that location is a run a risk that when the player receives the post-obit flower genes, information technology will result in the mutation:

If a flower seed mutated, at that place will exist a small red "Rare!" banner when the player receives the seed.

In that location is also a chance that cross-pollination could neglect, resulting in the thespian not receiving a flower seed:

Lloid's Seeds [ ]

When bought from Lloid Icon.png Lloid in the garden, the seeds will have the same genes:

Knowing the genes for flowers from Lloid tin permit the player to better predict what cross-pollination results are possible.

For example, cross-pollinating Lloid Lloid Icon.png Crimson Pansies (Red/White genes) with Lloid Lloid Icon.png Yellow Pansies (Yellow/White genes), has the following possible outcomes:

Chance of Receiving Flower Colour Gene Combination
29% Orangish Pansies Cherry/Xanthous
21% Red Pansies Carmine/White
29% Xanthous Pansies Yellow/White
21% White Pansies White/White


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