
How To Link Twitter To Animal Crossing Pocket Camp

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Creature Crossing Pocket Army camp offers rewards past linking your My Nintendo account. You can sign in using your Nintendo account correct when you starting time the game. Just click on the link hither and follow the prompts. You tin even create a Nintendo account by using your Nintendo Switch. Linking your Nintendo business relationship grants you points for completing different tasks which you lot and then utilise to purchase dissimilar rewards.

However, you also get a number of perks by linking your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

To practice that, head to the "More" carte du jour on the lesser right corner of the screen and select the "Friends" icon. Got to "Add Friend" and curl down until you run into the option to link your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

To go to the My Nintendo menu, all y'all have to do is caput back to the "More" menu and then select the "My Nintendo" icon.

Past signing in with your Twitter and Facebook accounts, you can add all of your friends from there who are besides playing the game. That fashion yous tin visit their campsites, browse their market box for items they're selling, and requite them kudos on their army camp.

Not merely that, simply y'all'll exist able to earn 300 My Nintendo Rewards points each for signing into your Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Hither are the different objectives y'all can complete for My Nintendo points:

Link to a Nintendo Business relationship – 300 points
Complete ten Camper Requests (Weekly) – 30 points
Complete 50 Camper Requests (Weekly – 50 points
Complete 100 Camper Requests (Weekly) – 100 points
Link to a Twitter Business relationship – 300 points
Link to a Facebook Account – 300 points

And hither are the unlike items yous tin redeem:

50 Leaf Tickets – Free
OK Motors Cap – 300 points
OK Motors Jacket – 300 points
5,000 Bells – 100 points
20 Wood – 50 points
20 Steel – 50 points
20 Cotton – 50 points
twenty Paper – 50 points
xx Preserves – 50 points

Getting as many friends every bit possible will really help you out in Animate being Crossing Pocket Camp. Instead of paying the 20 Foliage Tickets it takes to become into Shovelstrike Quarry, yous can go five of your friends to agree to help for free entry. Just tap on the prompt and notify each of your friends and so that they can aid you out.

Having friends tin also aid you lot fill up out different timed and stretch goals for extra bells, crafting materials, and Leaf Tickets. Goals include befriending other players, buying an item from a friend's market box, and giving kudos to another histrion. Repeating goals can earn you even bigger awards, such as befriending 5 players instead of ane.

If you lot place items into your Market place Box, so friends are able to buy them and earn you bells. It's a win-win situation. Yous tin also potentially earn more coin for items than but by selling them from your inventory.

As for the camper requests for getting more My Nintendo points, you can practise that by going upwards to dissimilar animal characters walking effectually the game'southward world and giving them the items that they requests. Items include fruit plant in trees, bugs institute in Sunburst Island, and fish in both Lost Lure Creek and Saltwater Shores.

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