
What Animal Goes With Which Family In Game Of Thrones

This article is near the Peachy House. For the special feature, run into: House Tully (Histories & Lore)
"'Family, Duty, Honor.' Every Tully child learns our words. But I was a woman earlier I understood them."
―Catelyn Stark [src]

House Tully of Riverrun is a Great House of Westeros. Its most senior member carried the title of Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, until the Blood-red Hymeneals. The current head is Lord Edmure Tully, son of the late Hoster Tully. The Tully sigil is a silver trout on a cherry-red and blue background. Their house words are "Family, Duty, Honor."

At the onset of the War of the Five Kings, Business firm Tully came under attack past Business firm Lannister and lent its back up for House Stark when they came to their help in the liberation of the Riverlands. House Tully has since been formally stripped of lands and titles for rebellion confronting the Fe Throne, with Lord Edmure a convict of House Frey post-obit the Red Hymeneals.

Later, Ser Brynden Tully gathered the remaining Tully forces and reclaimed Riverrun from the Freys, reopening conflict betwixt the Tullys and the Atomic number 26 Throne. The Freys lay siege to Riverrun, and were later on assisted by the Lannisters on the orders of King Tommen I. Ser Jaime Lannister managed to finish the siege by convincing Edmure Tully to command the garrison to lay downwards their weapons in return for clemency and protection. Brynden was killed during a concluding stand with Lannister and Frey forces while Edmure was returned to the Freys as a prisoner. Following the deaths of most of House Frey and the defeat of Cersei Lannister at King'due south Landing, Edmure is freed and restored to his titles and lands.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Background
    • ane.two Season 1
    • 1.iii Season 3
    • i.4 Season 4
    • one.five Season half-dozen
    • 1.six Flavor eight
  • 2 Relationships
    • ii.1 Members
    • 2.two Sworn to House Tully
    • 2.3 Vassals and allies
  • 3 Military strength
  • four Gallery
  • 5 Family unit tree
  • 6 In the books
  • 7 See also
  • 8 References



House Tully is i of the Great Houses of Westeros. Their lands are the central part of the continent. Their seat is Riverrun, a castle at the confluence of the Red Fork of the Trident with the Tumblestone. They rule over the Riverlands from the castle and the head of the house is the Lord of Riverrun.

House Tully rose to prominence during the State of war of Conquest. Lord Edmyn Tully rebelled against the King of the Isles and the Rivers, Harren the Black, to support the invading House Targaryen. Edmyn'south fellow Riverlords followed his lead. When Aegon Targaryen established his dominion from the Iron Throne he rewarded Edmyn, elevating the Tullys to Lords Paramount of the Riverlands.[2]

Firm Tully fought on the side of the Iron Throne during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. Hoster Tully and Brynden Tully fought during the disharmonize. The ii brothers later parted on begrudging terms later on Brynden rejected his older brother's command that he ally Bethany Redwyne in order to seal a union pact with House Redwyne. Brynden broke ties with Hoster, earning the name "Blackfish", which also became his personal sigil.[3] Hoster subsequently married Lady Minisa of House Whent[ii] and they produced three children: two daughters Catelyn, Lysa, and a son named Edmure.[3]

Its electric current caput is Lord Edmure Tully.[4] His sisters, Catelyn and Lysa, married Lords Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn during Robert'southward Rebellion, forming a powerful alliance of major houses.[5] Together, the Tully-Stark-Arryn alliance defeated the "Mad King" Aerys II and concluded Targaryen rule over the Seven Kingdoms.[3]

Season 1

After Lady Catelyn Stark seizes Tyrion Lannister at the Inn at the Crossroads, the Lord of Casterly Stone Tywin Lannister sends his bannermen Gregor Clegane to raid and pillage the Riverlands as a rebuff to the Tullys. Gregor'south men burn many villages and kill and brutalize many of the smallfolk. As a parting message to the Tullys, Gregor's men also go out behind a handbag of rotten trout, the sigil of Firm Tully, the firm of his wife Catelyn. Several surviving smallfolk petition Lord Eddard Stark, the Hand of the Rex, for justice.[6]

During the War of the Five Kings, a Lannister host under Ser Jaime Lannister lays siege to the Tully seat of Riverrun.[7] Northern forces under Eddard's son Lord Robb Stark lure Jaime's forces away from Riverrun and defeat them during the Battle of the Whispering Woods; taking Jaime captive every bit well.[8] Due to their marriage alliance with the Starks, the Tullys join several northern houses in proclaiming Robb the King in the Due north.[nine]

Season 3

Several Riverlander prisoners are amidst the captives slain by Ser Gregor Clegane prior to the Lannister evacuation of Harrenhal. Among the slain are Jaremy Mallister, a loyal bannermen of the Tullys.[10] Following the death of Lord Hoster Tully, his girl Catelyn, son and heir Edmure, and brother Brynden besiege at Riverrun for the funeral. Per Tully tradition, Hoster is laid to rest on a funeral boat which is then set afloat. Edmure tries to set the boat aflame with a flaming arrow per tradition simply misses several times. His uncle Brynden then carries out his nephew's duty instead.[11]

Edmure and Brynden after confer with Rex Robb virtually the progress of their state of war against the Fe Throne. The tide of the state of war is not going well for the Stark-Tully alliance; the Lannisters have rebuffed Stannis Baratheon's invasion of King'southward Landing and secured a marriage alliance with House Tyrell of the Achieve. The Lannisters now have superior numbers, resource, and wealth. Edmure speaks of the recent Tully victory at the Stone Manufactory which saw the expulsion of Gregor Clegane's forces from the Riverlands and the capture of two Lannister squires Martyn and Willem Lannister. King Robb however is displeased with Edmure'southward actions since this interfered with his plan to trap Gregor in the Riverlands. The loss of 200 Tully men at the Stone Mill is besides a blow to the depleted Stark-Tully forces.[xi]

Edmure and Brynden stand by their liege King Robb when he deals with the murder of Willem and Martyn at the hands of some other bannerman Rickard Karstark, the Lord of Karhold. Brynden strikes Rickard on the cheek when he insults Robb. Later, Edmure counsels Robb to coffin the Lannister squires' bodies and quietly hush upwardly their deaths. However, Robb insists that he will tell the Lannisters the truth and publicly executes Rickard as punishment for murdering the 2 squires. Robb's deportment toll the Stark-Tully alliance the support of the Karstarks, who exit Riverrun and return to the North in protestation.[12]

Short on manpower, the Starks and Tullys are forced to repair their strained relationship with House Frey, a vassal of the Tullys. Robb had reneged on his earlier vow to marry a girl of Lord Walder Frey, the head of Firm Frey and the Lord of the Crossing. The Frey emissaries Black Walder and Lothar Frey exact several demands including the forfeiture of Harrenhal and all its lands and incomes, and that Lord Edmure marry his daughter Roslin Frey. Despite some reluctance and misgivings, the Tullys and Starks take the Freys' terms.[13]

Lord Edmure, Lord Brynden, and Lady Stark accompany King Robb and the combined Stark and Tully hosts to the Frey seat at the Twins, a strategically-placed castle which bridges the Green Fork. Edmure marries Roslin in the halls of the Twins. Following the bedding anniversary, the newly-wednesday couple are whisked abroad. Lord Walder Frey then turns on his Tully and Stark guests by having his sons and men massacre the wedding guests. Lady Stark, her son Robb, and his wife Talisa Stark are murdered. Meanwhile, the Tully and Stark forces outside are slaughtered by their Frey hosts. The Freys are aided by Lord Roose Bolton, the head of House Bolton, who has abased his alliance to King Robb.[14]

Due to the "Red Wedding ceremony", the Freys capture Lord Edmure, the Lord of Riverrun. Equally a reward for his deportment, Lord Walder Frey is granted lordship over the Tully seat of Riverrun and paramountcy over the Riverlands past the Iron Throne. Even so, the Frey victory is soured by the revelation that Lord Brynden has escaped the bloodbath.[15]

Season 4

While traveling through the Riverlands, Catelyn'due south younger daughter Arya Stark convinces her captor/protector Sandor Clegane to tell a local farmer that he had fought for the Tullys during the War for the Five Kings. Holding the Tullys in high regard, the farmer allows the pair to board and lodge at his house for the nighttime. Over dinner table conversation, Arya and Sandor learned that the Riverlands have disintegrated into a state of lawlessness after the Freys were granted paramountcy over the region. The farmer longs for the "good old days" when the Tullys were in accuse since they kept the Riverlands condom and secure.[xvi]

Lysa Arryn, the second daughter of the late Lord Hoster, is murdered by her hubby Petyr Baelish, who throws her out of the Moon Door in the Eyrie. [17] Catelyn's older girl Sansa Stark convinces the lords of the Vale that Lysa committed suicide, saving Petyr from punishment.[18]

Season 6

Subsequently the Red Nuptials saw the capture of Lord Edmure Tully and the granting of Riverrun to House Frey, only Lord Tully'southward uncle Brynden the 'Blackfish' remained at large. Although Walder Frey had dismissed Roose Bolton'southward concerns about his escape afterward the massacre, the Blackfish proved a challenge to the Freys' newly caused control over the Riverlands. He assembled what remained of the Tully armies nonetheless loyal to his Firm, and was able to retake Riverrun from the Freys, challenging both them and the Lannisters who supported them.[19]

Lord Petyr Baelish told Sansa Stark, a Tully kinsman by her mother Catelyn, of Brynden's actions as she was looking for supporters to help her and her brother Jon Snow overthrow House Bolton. Sansa sent her babysitter Brienne of Tarth to Riverrun to meet with her bang-up-uncle and proceeds his support in reclaiming the Due north.[xix]

News of the Blackfish's recapture of Riverrun infuriates Lord Walder Frey, who chastises his sons Lothar and Black Walder for letting Brynden escape the Scarlet Nuptials. In an endeavour to force Brynden to surrender, Lord Frey orders his sons to bring his captive nephew Edmure to Riverrun as a earnest.[20] The Freys congregate Riverrun and force Edmure to wear a noose during the siege. Lothar and Blackness Walder threaten to kill Edmure merely Brynden is not intimidated past their antics; knowing that they volition not carry out their threats. The Freys are relieved by Lannister forces under a Ser Jaime Lannister, who has come on behalf of the Iron Throne to take control of the siege.[21]

Jaime as well orders the Freys to wash and feed the disheveled Edmure. When Black Walder protests, Jaime strikes him across the confront and warns him that he is at present in command of the siege of Riverrun. Jaime after parleys with the Blackfish in an endeavor to end the siege peacefully. Jaime offers to spare the life of his men but warns that the Lannisters volition slaughter anybody inside the castle. Undaunted, Brynden tells Jaime that Riverrun has plenty food to concluding two years and thousands of Lannisters will die for the hundreds inside his walls. Unimpressed by Jaime, Brynden rejects his terms.[21]

With Jaime'southward consent, Brienne attempts to convince the Blackfish to evacuate the castle. Jaime has agreed to allow Brynden and the garrison to vacate the castle by nightfall in social club to assist Sansa and Jon against the Boltons. Unwilling to carelessness his abode and lacking the manpower to help the Starks, the Blackfish declines Brienne and Jaime's offer. Running out of options, Jaime convinces Edmure to command the garrison to surrender in render for clemency and his son getting a proper education at Casterly Rock, the Lannister seat. Every bit an added incentive, Jaime threatens to destroy the entire castle and to catapult Edmure's son over the wall should he decline the ultimatum. With petty option, Edmure consents to this bargain.[22]

Edmure returns to Riverrun and gains access into the castle despite Brynden's objections. Once inside, the garrison recognizes Edmure as the rightful Lord of Riverrun. Edmure then orders the Tully troops to surrender and allow Lannister and Frey forces to occupy the castle. He also gives orders for his uncle to exist put into chains and handed over to the Freys. However, Brynden helps Brienne and Podrick escape the castle on a boat and and so makes a terminal stand confronting the Lannisters and Freys. Ser Jaime is informed of the Blackfish's death.[22] Shortly thereafter, all the same, Edmure's niece Arya Stark avenges the Starks and Tullys past murdering Walder Frey and his sons, Lothar and Blackness Walder.[23]

Flavor 8

Shortly after Daenerys Targaryen'due south death, Edmure Tully participates in the Dragonpit council as Lord of Riverrun. His brief try to advise himself equally the new King of the remaining Six Kingdoms is cut short by Sansa Stark. He subsequently supports the election of his nephew Bran Stark as King Brandon I. [24]



  • Lord {Hoster Tully}, Lord of Riverrun, former head of the family and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands. Died subsequently a long sickness.
    • Lady {Minisa}, born into Firm Whent. Hoster's wife who died in childbirth.
      • Lady {Catelyn Stark} née Tully, their first daughter and widow of Lord {Eddard Stark}. Murdered at the Red Wedding past Black Walder Rivers.
      • Lady {Lysa Arryn} née Tully, their 2d girl and widow of Lord {Jon Arryn}. Regent of the Vale until she is killed by Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish.
      • Lord Edmure Tully, their only son and heir. Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.
        • Lady Roslin, his wife of Business firm Frey. Condition unknown.
          • Their baby son and heir, conceived on their wedding night. His name has nonetheless to be revealed.
  • Ser {Brynden Tully}, chosen "The Blackfish," Hoster's younger brother. The former de facto Lord of Riverrun after recapturing information technology from the Freys, and the quondam de facto head of Firm Tully. Killed past Lannister and Frey soldiers during his last stand.

Sworn to House Tully

  • Firm Blackwood of Raventree Hall.
  • House Bracken of Rock Hedge.
  • {House Darry} of Darry, presumed extinct.
  • House Frey of the Twins, formerly Lords of Riverrun. (Formerly, betrayed at Ruby-red Nuptials)
    • House Erenford, sworn to House Frey.
    • Business firm Haigh, sworn to House Frey
  • Business firm Mallister of Seagard.
  • Firm Mooton of Maidenpool.
  • House Smallwood of Acorn Hall.
  • {House Whent} of Harrenhal, presumed extinct.
    • House Wode, sworn to Firm Whent.

Vassals and allies

  • Lord {Walder Frey}, called "the Late Lord Frey", Lord of the Crossing and Lord of Riverrun. Betrayer and orchestrator of the Red Wedding. Killed by Arya Stark.
  • Lord Jonos Bracken, Lord of Stone Hedge.
  • Lord Jason Mallister, Lord of Seagard.
  • Lady {Shella Whent}, Lady of Harrenhal, deceased.

Military force

During Robert's Rebellion and the War of the Five Kings, House Tully has proven itself capable in times of conflict, fighting and prevailing with several engagements inside each conflict, such as the Boxing of the Trident and the Battle of Stone Mill. Nonetheless, the Red Wedding greatly weakened the once formidable great house, leading to the destruction of the Tully army and stripping them of lands and titles. Despite this enormous setback, House Tully managed to reclaim Riverrun; however, it was eventually lost due to capitulation of the Tully garrison, leading to the death of Brynden Tully, leaving Business firm Tully in a precarious position.

The Tully soldiers are outfitted with black scale leather armor, peradventure existence inspired by the Tully sigil, with chainmail beneath, calculation farther protection to the wearer. This design, is not aesthetically practical merely more symbolic, since the Tully men live in a region that consists mostly of rivers. The design also provides a degree of low visibility during dark, allowing them to raid enemy camps with piddling detection. This makes them nimble compared to soldiers who might be wearing heavy plates of armor, while retaining a degree of protection.


Family unit tree




Minisa Tully
née Whent House-Whent-Main-Shield.PNG


Tully House-Tully-Blackfish-Shield.PNG


Stark House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG




Arryn House-Arryn-Main-Shield.PNG




Baelish House-Baelish-Main-Shield.PNG




Roslin Tully
née Frey House-Frey-Main-Shield.PNG




Stark House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG


Talisa Stark
née Maegyr


Lannister House-Lannister-Main-Shield.PNG


Stark House-Stark-Sansa-Shield.PNG


Bolton House-Bolton-Main-Shield.PNG


Stark House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG


Bran I the
Cleaved House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG Bran-the-Broken-Shield.png


Stark House-Stark-Main-Shield.PNG


Arryn House-Arryn-Main-Shield.PNG



In the books

In the A Song of Water ice and Burn down novels, House Tully is an old house which has held the castle at Riverrun for some centuries, but did not rise to greatness until King Aegon I'due south invasion. Aegon drove the ironborn out of the Riverlands and appointed Lord Edmyn Tully as the overlord of the expanse in cheers for his support during the Conquest. The Tullys joined the Starks, Baratheons and Arryns in rising against the Mad Male monarch, providing numerous troops for Robert Baratheon's armies.

The Tully banner is different in the books than in the series. In the Tv set series, it is striped horizontally, with one big ruby department and one large blueish section, separated by white stripes. In the novels it has five vertical stripes of equal width; two muddy-red stripes separate three bluish stripes (and there are no white stripes).

In a somewhat unusual in-joke, The World of Ice & Burn down reveals that Tullys agile during the Trip the light fantastic of the Dragons are named after Muppets: Lord Grover Tully, his grandson Ser Elmo Tully, and his great-grandsons Lord Kermit Tully and Ser Oscar Tully.

The following sworn houses did non appear in the series:

  • Firm Piper of Pinkmaiden
  • House Ryger of Willow Wood
  • House Vance of Wayfarer's Balance
  • House Vance of Atranta
  • House Paege

Run into also

  • A Wiki of Ice and Fire favicon.PNG House Tully on A Wiki of Water ice and Fire (MAJOR spoilers for Business firm of the Dragon)


  1. Encounter the adding in Second Siege of Riverrun#Numbers.
  2. 2.0 two.1 HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, Firm Tully entry
  3. 3.0 3.i iii.ii "Firm Tully (Histories & Lore)"
  4. HBO viewers guide, flavor 2 guide to houses, Business firm Tully - Hoster Tully entry
  5. HBO viewers guide, season 2 guide to houses, House Arryn - Lysa Arryn entry
  6. "A Golden Crown"
  7. "The Pointy End"
  8. "Baelor"
  9. "Fire and Blood"
  10. "Valar Dohaeris"
  11. 11.0 11.ane "Walk of Penalisation"
  12. "Kissed past Burn"
  13. "The Climb"
  14. "The Rains of Castamere"
  15. "Mhysa"
  16. "Breaker of Chains"
  17. "Mockingbird"
  18. "The Mount and the Viper"
  19. 19.0 19.1 "The Door"
  20. "Blood of My Claret"
  21. 21.0 21.i "The Broken Homo"
  22. 22.0 22.1 "No One"
  23. "The Winds of Winter"
  24. "The Iron Throne"


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